BKAM provides capital to claimants who lack necessary funding, and to corporations and law firms to support them in making more efficient use of working capital towards their core business, rather than litigation. We structure each deal specifically to the client with the goals of enhancing cash flow and effectively managing risk throughout the claim cycle.

Our seasoned team is uniquely positioned to capitalize on the significant and immediate need for law firm case portfolio credit products. Our senior management has over 100 years of combined litigation, investment, and risk management experience.  We have successfully financed claims for clients in excess of $3B in recoveries, as well as having structured, transacted, and managed investments, financing and derivatives in excess of $100B.

With legal, investment and risk management talent across a wide range of case types, forums and jurisdictions, we have the composite skills required to navigate the idiosyncrasies of financing the legal industry.

In addition to analyzing the substantive merits of each case, BKAM applies solid principles in finance, rigorous underwriting and risk management processes, settlements versus trial award analysis, and sound judgment derived from years of experience across asset classes and disciplines.

Our approach goes beyond the individual deal. We are discriminating in the quality and type of law firms and plaintiffs with which we choose to work, developing proper alignments and relationships over the long term. Due to the complexity and length of most of our investments, BKAM treats clients not just as borrowers, but also as strategic partners.